Free demographic data via Kiama Council website

Published on 23 January 2024

Aerial photo of central Kiama

Do you want to know more about the profile of our community; how we live, work, study? Do you have questions about what is changing, and what is staying the same?

Kiama Council has an easy to use, online tool that makes the demographic information from our local government area available.

The information about our community comes from Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). It is then compiled into local level information about how we live, what has changed over time and how it compares to other areas.

You can find information and statistics on:

  • Population demographics by age, gender, family type
  • Religion, citizenship, ancestry and languages spoken
  • Statistics on education, migration, and wellbeing
  • Education, employment, economic profiles and more

Individuals and organisations can use this data for a range of purposes.

For example, would your organisation or community group benefit from some data that tells a funding body about the community; such as age, diversity, education level, ways of working, or how many volunteers we have?

There are two key areas on Council’s website:

The Community Profile covers information including our community characteristics including population, age, education and working patterns, how we live and where we come from.

 Kiama Community Profile | Summary | REMPLAN

The Economic Profile covers a wide range of information relating to the economy, local jobs and local business insights, the workforce profile, and industry structure.

And Kiama Economy Profile | Summary | REMPLAN

Data is being updated as the Census information is released and can provide our community, as well as Council, with significant insight into how we live and work.