Bombo Stairs take shape

Published on 24 August 2022

Construction work on staircase at Old Bombo Quarry

Our long-delayed staircase at the Old Bombo Quarry is nearing completion.

Council received $500,000 from the NSW Government in 2018 to build a stairway linking the Old Bombo Quarry to the walking trails on the Bombo Headland above.

We spent time carefully developing a design with a specialist consultant that respected the environmental, cultural and state heritage aspects of the area.

Work commenced in early 2021, only to be halted by the COIVID-19 lockdown of Greater Sydney, where many Council contractors are based.

Work was further delayed by the extended wet weather and heavy seas earlier this year, which regularly flooded the work site, and made working unsafe.

Now, with the benefit of some relatively dry weather, our building contractor has wasted no time getting the stairs well and truly off the ground.

They have completed formwork and reinforcement, and this week have begun pouring concrete.

Thanks to their efforts we hope to have the stairs open by the end of September, in time for the coming school holidays and warmer weather.

Our thanks also to the NSW Government for their continued support for this project throughout. 

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