There are strict record-keeping, notifying and reporting requirements you must make to Council for:
- significant modifications
- decommissioning storage systems
- removing or replacing a tank.
You must keep an incident log at the storage site or at another location if specified in your Fuel Systems Operation Plan.
You must record in your incident log any activity, or unplanned or abnormal incident, that has affected, is affecting, or could affect, the system's integrity or long-term safety.
This includes operation disruptions or equipment failures.
UPSS records must be kept for at least 7 years from the day the document was created.
For the decommissioning of a storage system, records must be kept for at least 7 years from the date of decommissioning.
If UPSS responsibility is transferred, the previously responsible person must provide all documents for the system to the newly responsible person within 30 days.