The Kiama Municipal Council’s new Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2023-27 was endorsed on 21 November 2023.
Council’s new DIAP aligns with the Principles of Social Justice, Kiama Community Strategic Plan 2022-32, and is informed by the principles outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) and the NSW Disability Inclusion Plan 2021-25. It presents Councils’ vision for an inclusive and accessible community, and outlines key actions Council will undertake within the following NSW Disability Inclusion Action Plan focus areas:
- Developing positive community attitudes and behaviours.
- Accessible and liveable communities.
- Meaningful employment and economic participation.
- Systems and processes.
The new DIAP builds on Council and community’s work in making our towns accessible and service and program inclusive of people with the disability.
To view DIAP 2023-27 click here(PDF, 677KB)
Kiama LGA Easy Read Accessibility Guide(PDF, 32MB)
Divided Towns and Villages
Gerringong(PDF, 9MB)
Kiama(PDF, 16MB)
Minnamurra & Kiama Downs(PDF, 6MB)
Jamberoo(PDF, 6MB)
Gerroa(PDF, 6MB)
The terms 'Accessible' and 'Mobility Access' are used to indicate accessible features of identified facilities. They are not intended to describe the facilities and features as fully compliant with the requirements of the Disability (Access to Premises) Standard 2010, the Building Code of Australia and/or related Access and Mobility Australian Standards.
NDIS Local Area Coordinators help people with a disability to develop and coordinate their support plans.
Contact the NDIS on 1800 800 110 or visit the NDIS website to:
register for the service and/or check your eligibility to receive NDIS funded services.
If you would like local assistance to navigate the NDIS, please phone Blue Haven on (02) 4203 4055
More information on disability services can be found on Blue Haven's website.