Vegetation Study


As part of our Kiama Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS), the community strongly identified the need to conserve areas of environmental significance.

This is captured by Theme 4 of the LSPS: Mitigate and adapt to climate change and protect our environment.

There are 3 Planning Priorities within Theme 4.

One of these is to plan for and adapt to the impacts of natural hazards and the changing climate.

To do this, one of the actions we've identified is to complete a municipal-wide vegetation study to ensure our biodiversity corridor and bushfire mapping is accurate.

Following an open tender process, Council has appointed Biosis Pty. Ltd. to carry out this vegetation study.

The Municipal Wide Vegetation Study has been submitted by Biosis Pty Ltd. The associated Bush Fire Prone Land map was prepared by BlackAsh Bushfire Consulting. 

The elected Council have accepted and reviewed the vegetation Study and resolved to commence the certification of the Bush Fire Prone Land Map with the RFS Commissioner. 

A planning Proposal to review the environmental zonings and terrestrial biodiversity layers of the Kiama Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011 to ensure environmental lands are appropriately zoned will be prepared and reported to Council soon.