Draft Development Assessment Policy


The Draft Development Assessment Policy has been prepared by council staff in response to industry feedback and legislative changes. The Policy will guide council on improving our development application (DA) assessment timeframes, systems, strategic framework, customer experience, responsiveness, and communication to applicants.

The policy provides clear expectations for customers and is intended to assist in the communication to applicants about what to expect through the process and how staff will work through each required step.

The policy also outlines the approaches to be taken by staff and guidance to support processing applications. It also outlines the role of Councillors and Local Planning Panels in the DA process.

The Draft Development Assessment Policy covers the following steps in the Assessment Process:

  • Pre-lodgement advice
  • Lodgement and allocation
  • Development Assessment
  • Process for identifying and managing conflicts of interest
  • Modifications
  • Complying Development Certificates
  • Alternative option for assessment – Local Planning Panel.

This consultation is closed.