Open Access Information

Agency Information Guide

Describes Council’s functions, responsibilities, organisational structure and how to access Councils information

Information Guide - February 2020(PDF, 7MB)

Annual Reports

Our Annual Reports include:

  • Financial and Auditors Reports
  • Bodies Exercising Functions Delegated by Local Authority.

Code of Meeting Practice

The Code of Meeting Practice is made under:

A Council and a Committee of the Council of which all the members are Councillors must conduct its meetings in accordance with the Code of Meeting Practice adopted by the Council.


Contracts Register

Council is required to publish a register of its contracts with private sector bodies valued at more than $150,000.  

It includes the: 

  • contractors name and any related company involved in the contract
  • start date and duration of the contract
  • goods and services to be provided under the contract
  • amount payable to the contractor, any renegotiation provisions, tender methods if applicable, and any payment provisions for operational or maintenance services under the contract.

Contracts Register(PDF, 221KB)

Council Meetings

Our Council Meetings page has information on Council:

  • meeting dates
  • agendas
  • business papers
  • reports
  • minutes
  • Code of Meeting Practice.

Council Plans (Integrated planning and reporting)

Our Integrated planning and reporting documents incorporate our community’s vision and plans for the municipality.

Council policies

These are available to download on our Policies page.


Our register of the functions delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, Mayor and Council Officers:

Council Officers - Delegations Register 

Chief Executive Officer and Mayor - Delegations Register(PDF, 169KB)

Development Application Information

For information in relation to development applications please go to the DA Tracker section of Council's website

Development contributions

The Development Contributions Register has been prepared in accordance with clause 217 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021.

Development contributions register(PDF, 805KB)

The Planning Agreements Register has been prepared in accordance with clause 206 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021.

Planning agreements register(PDF, 366KB)

Disclosure Log

A log of Formal Access to Information applications we've received that are likely to be of interest to the public.

Our Disclosure Log(PDF, 279KB) contains non-personal information only.

Disclosure of Interests of Councillors and Designated persons

To fulfil Council’s obligations under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018, Council is required to make information about Council’s disclosure of interests of Councillors and designated persons publicly available as open access information.

Designated persons include the Chief Executive Officer, senior staff and other staff who hold a position that involves an exercise of a function that could potentially give rise to a conflict of interest.

To protect the privacy and safety of Councillors and designated persons, Council has redacted private addresses and signatures from individual Returns.

View here:

Councillors-and-Designated-Persons-Returns-2022-23_redacted(PDF, 19MB)

Councillors-and-Designated-Persons-Returns-2022-2023-Hospitality-Supervisor-Blue-Haven_redacted.pdf(PDF, 519KB)

Councillors-and-Designated-Persons-Returns-2022-23-Audit-Risk-and-Improvement-Committee-ARIC-Jim-Mitchell_redacted.pdf(PDF, 615KB)


Land Register

Council's Land Register is updated annually. 

Kiama-Municipal-Council-Land-Register - Feb 2024.pdf(PDF, 530KB)

Political donations

Go to the Electoral Funding Authority website for political donations lodged by:

  • candidates
  • groups
  • members of parliament
  • Councillors
  • political parties
  • political donors.

Voting register

Voting on all planning matters considered at Council meetings are required to recorded under Section 375A of the Local Government Act 1993. 

Voting Register 2025(PDF, 139KB)

Voting Register 2024(PDF, 314KB)

Voting Register 2023(PDF, 194KB)

Voting register 2020(PDF, 925KB)

Voting register pre-2020(PDF, 2MB)