Strategies and plans
Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP)
Our Corporate ERP highlights our ambitious Net Zero target for all of our operations, facilities and services. The main purpose of the plan is to provide a forward strategy and prioritised actions for us to identify, measure and reduce corporate greenhouse gas emissions to achieve net zero by 2031.
Building on previous emissions reduction achievements, the objectives of the plan include:
- Determine operational carbon emission reduction targets and goals
- Establish Council’s emissions profile and operational boundary
- Incorporate current carbon accounting best practice and standards
- Highlight progress to date
- Develop emission reduction pathways and strategies
The Corporate ERP will be accompanied by a Community Emissions Reduction Plan to target community emissions generated in the LGA.
Read Council's Corporate ERP(PDF, 3MB)
Risk Assessment & Adaptation Strategy
The development of the Emissions Reduction Plans was founded in the knowledge produced by our previously prepared Climate Change Risk Assessment that highlights the risk climate change poses to our municipality and community.
Read Council's Climate Change Risk Assessment.(PDF, 1MB)
As well as our Climate Change Adaptation Strategy that followed once we’d assessed the risk.
Our Strategy’s main objectives are to:
- Promote cultural shift to have climate change risks considered in Council’s long term planning, financial management, operations and service delivery
- Lobby, via Southern Councils group, all levels of government to support adaptation actions
- Engage with our local community to increase awareness of climate change risks and encourage ownership of initiatives
- Build on existing relationships between all levels of government, volunteer groups, and organisations to achieve a consistent approach to adaptation.
Read our Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan(PDF, 662KB)